Wiki source code of FileUpload

Last modified by Ludovic Dubost on 2008/09/05 10:35

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Ludovic Dubost 1.1 1
3 #info("This form includes a form with file upload and with a wysiwyg editor")
4 #set($showcomments="no")
5 #set($showattachments="no")
6 #if($request.title)
7 #set($space = $
8 #set($page = $xwiki.getUniquePageName($space, $request.title))
9 #set($newdoc = $xwiki.getDocument("${space}.${page}"))
10 #set($attachgroovy = $xwiki.parseGroovyFromPage("Code.FileUploadGroovy"))
11 #if($attachgroovy=="groovy_missingrights")
12 #warning($msg.get("fileupload.uploadgroovyneedsrights"))
13 #else
14 #set($nb = $attachgroovy.addAttachments($newdoc, $context))
15 #if($nb==-10)
16 #warning($msg.get("fileupload.currentpageneedsrights", [$doc.fullName]))
17 #else
18 ## Updating the page content
19 #set($attachText = "")
20 #set($attachList = $newdoc.getAttachmentList())
21 #if($attachList.size()>0)
22 #set($attach = $attachList.get(0))
23 #set($url = $newdoc.getAttachmentURL($attach.filename))
24 #set($text = $msg.get("fileupload.uploadattachmenttext", [$url, $attach.filename]))
25 #set($attachText = "${}${}${text}")
26 #end
27 ## Updating the page content
28 #set($content = "1 ${request.title}${}${}${request.content}")
29 #if($$!="")
30 #set($content = "${content}${}${}Link: ${}")
31 #end
32 #set($content = "${content}${attachText}")
33 ## update and save the document
34 $newdoc.setContent($content)
35 $newdoc.setTitle($request.title)
36 #if($newdoc.getObject("XWiki.TagClass"))
37 #set($ok = $newdoc.use("XWiki.TagClass"))
38 #else
39 #set($ok = $newdoc.use($newdoc.newObject("XWiki.TagClass")))
40 #end
41 $newdoc.set("tags", "article")
42 $
43 #set($message = $msg.get("fileuploadform.articlehasbeencreated"))
44 #info("$message: [$newdoc.displayTitle>$newdoc.fullName].")
45 #end ## if nb==-10
46 #end ## if has not prog rights
47 #else
48 #set($space = $
49 #set($page = $xwiki.getUniquePageName($space, ""))
50 #set($newdoc = $xwiki.getDocument("${space}.${page}"))
51 1.1 $msg.get("fileupload.creatingarticleinspace") $space
52 <form id="uploadFilesForm" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
53 <table id="uploadFilesTable">
54 <tr>
55 <td style="text-align:right;">$msg.get("fileupload.pagetitle"):</td>
56 <td>
57 <input type="text" id="title" name="title" size="50" style="width:100%">
58 </td>
59 </tr>
60 <tr>
61 <td style="text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">$msg.get("fileupload.pagecontent"):</td>
62 <td>
63 $newdoc.getTextArea()
64 </td>
65 </tr>
66 <tr>
67 <td style="text-align:right;">$msg.get(""):</td>
68 <td>
69 <input type="text" name="link" style="width:100%">
70 </td>
71 </tr>
72 <tr>
73 <td style="text-align:right;">$msg.get("fileupload.choosefile"):</td>
74 <td><input type="file" id="filepath" name="filepath" size="50" style="width:100%;"></td>
75 </tr>
76 <tr>
77 <td></td>
78 <td><input type="submit" value="$msg.get("fileupload.createarticle")"></td>
79 <tr>
80 </table>
81 </form>
82 ## Integrating the wysiwyg editor. This is the way the editor should be integrated
83 {pre}
84 <script type="text/javascript" src="${request.contextPath}/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
85 <script type="text/javascript" src="${request.contextPath}/wiki_editor/wiki_editor.js"></script>
86 <script type="text/javascript">
87 //<![CDATA[
88 wikiEditor.init({
89 elements : "content",
90 language: "en",
91 mode: "exact",
92 content_css: "$xwiki.getSkinFile("style.css")",
93 debug : false,
94 remove_linebreaks : false,
95 plugins: 'table, contextmenu, paste, searchreplace',
96 wiki_use_style: '$xwiki.useWysiwygStyleToolbar()',
97 wiki_images_path : '${request.contextPath}/bin/download/$$',
98 wiki_attach_path : '${request.contextPath}/bin/view/$$',
99 wiki_macro_path : '${request.contextPath}/bin/view/$$',
100 wiki_plugins: 'core'
101 });
102 //]]>
103 </script>
104 {/pre}
105 #end