
Last modified by Ludovic Dubost on 2019/06/17 20:29

Blog - posts for September 2005

Des sous pour BitTorrent

Toujours sur SiliconBeat

"--BitTorrent raises money: The hot file-sharing protocol company, BitTorrent, of San Francisco, this month raised $8.75 million in a first round of funding round led by DCM-Doll Capital Management, according to PE Week, and proving again that Om "scoop" Malik had it right all along. With so much VC interest, the valuation must have been pretty high."

Pas mal, rappelons que BitTorrent est un reseau P2P de distribution de fichiers et est open-source..

SocialText et SAP ?

SiliconBeat nous annonce que Socialtext aurait reçu des sous de SAP:

"--Socialtext wins SAP's backing: SocialText, the Palo Alto wiki and social software company, has finally scored more backing, this time from software giant SAP -- more on this later. Our first story on their funding a few months ago is here. Apparently, now chief executive Ross Mayfield is taking the company back to an open source model."

En plus le modèle serait de nouveau (full) "open-source".. Intéressant..

Via Jonathan

Ajax Day

C'est le jour de l'AJAX et aussi un peu de l'open-source..

Zimbra est un serveur open-source de collaboration Mail/Calendar vraiment impressionant.

Meebo est un service web faisant passerelle vers les services IM de Yahoo, MSN, AIM et ICQ. Il manque Jabber et donc Google Talk mais l'interface est top. (Via Jeremi)

Il semble clair qu'aujourd'hui la technologie AJAX (faire interagir Javascript avec un serveur Web) est en train de marquer des points.

XWiki Tags

On en parlait depuis un moment ! C'était réclamé par Olivier depuis des lustres..

Jeremi y a passé une nuit, et cela donne the XWiki Tag Cloud, pour le moment en demo sur

Avec un compte sur, quand vous visitez une page que vous voulez tagger, double-cliquez sur le mot 'tags' sur la droite pour editer les tags (merci l'AJAX).

Bravo à Jeremi pour ce premier jet.. Il est à noter que cette implémentation est entièrement en API XWiki, ce qui montre une fois de plus les capacités de l'API XWiki.

While everybody looks the other way, Oracle buys Siebel

While everybody tries to understand why eBay bought Skype and looks the other way, Oracle swallows another big business applications software company.

After PeopleSoft, Oracle now gets Siebel, the leaders of CRM software. Looks like Oracle is becoming a growing challenge for SAP AG. and move more and more into business applications.

On a side note, Oracle and Siebel are both companies that are using XWiki ! And Siebel is running XWiki on Oracle 10g !

Skype @ eBay: the real story !

There are some interesting facts around the Skype acquisition by eBay:

* I wonder if the billions of this acquisition would account to Luxemburg's GDP. If it does, Luxemburg's GDP just grew 5% for this year with this acquisition (35 Billion $ according to Wikipedia). I wonder how much taxes will flow in Luxemburg for the period. Luxemburg already tops the GDP per capita list (before getting an instant 5% raise !)

* It seems that even with a highly successfull product, it seems impossible to create a lasting european company in the Internet Business. The US gorilla's have way too much money and can swallow any company, anytime. Skype's acquisition has been done for 2.5% of eBay stock and a significant amount of eBay's cash reserves (1B$ out of what seems to be reservers of around 2.5B$).

* A company that made 7M$ last year was sold for 2.6B$ ! My previous company was sold 15M$ for 7M$ revenue (ok we where not planning to do 10x this amount the next year !)

* These guys could have gone to jail when under attack by the RIAA for their work on Kazaa. They transformed this work into a Telecom Company killer product which turned them into billionaires (or close to that). They could actually build a online music business with that money to show to RIAA what P2P is about.. This would actually be an interesting thing to do with that money. Or maybe the Telcos should sue for "illegal sharing of audio conversations".

* This thing could trigger a boom in a few years in Estonia (the developement team seems to be mainly in Estonia) as the many employees there are becoming instant millionaires and might do something interesting in technology with that money.

* Are we really supposed to believe that with multiple hundred millions of $, Niklas and Janus will stick for long at eBay, a company where they will have very limited decision power ? I hope not and wish they will go on to create something new !

* Are we really supposed to believe that eBay bought Skype to give voice services to eBay customers ? It's really not to have some leverage against Google, which everybody expects to launch a PayPal competitor which will be backed by the leadership of AdWords and AdSense and that if it succeeds in grabbing market share from PayPal will be a good basis for launching an Google eBay competitor ? From the three worldwide leaders that now eBay owns, from my point of view, Skype will be the hardest to challenge, despite being the most recent.

* Some of the comments on Share Skype are pretty funny. I like this one "So Skype has been bought by a flea market. Too bad. They should have waited a couple of years, and then they could have bought ebay!".

* According to Ross, Skype's team uses Wikis and Agile methods. Are Skype's team the first eXtreme Programmillionaires ?

Any other real story ?

Skype @ eBay

Ce n'est plus une rumeur, mais bien réel..

Ce sera dorénavant eSkype, SkypeBay, Skybay ou encore eSkyBay ! Choisissez votre nom !

Apparement, eBay ne veut pas laisser la bataille de l'Internet se jouer entre Google et Microsoft.

Le Gartner aime les Wikis

Le Journal du Net relate le rapport "2005 Hype Cycle Emerging Technologies" du Gartner Group.

On notera bien entendu une mention des wikis:

"Quant aux wikis, ces outils conçus pour la rédaction partagée en environnement Web, l'institut considère que leur impact sera important sur le front de la gestion de contenu Web. Mais également sur le terrain du suivi de projets, et des activités de recherche et développement."

Yeahh !! Go go Wiki Go !